This is actually Part Two of " Five Go to a Bar ", so if you haven't read Part One yet, go there first. We'll still be here when you get back*. I've retitled it based on the TwitFam suggestion that anything related to sex in the title gets clicked on. This also explains the fact that my blog on Dining at the Y has twice the views of anything I've ever written. Including 3 years worth of student rent cheques that each bounced 4 times. You can find it on this site after you've read this. And after you've read Part One. Because reading ain't free, bitches, as Enid always said. *<SPOILERS> Except for Timmy, George & Anne. Oh, and Julian doesn't get a look in, because he's a lanky, posh, ineffectual cock womble who makes David Cameron look like Danny Dyer. Although DD probably never got a blow job from a pig's head. Or BD, thankfully. Plus he's called Julian, which is enough in itself. Dick, however, w...
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